Hi, I’m Irina Marin-Perianu, a digital designer and storyteller from Bucharest, Romania.
I edit myself through art, writing and illustrating about day-to-day things - from stories my objects would tell about me, to comics about killing plants with too much love. I hope sharing my journey will help others feel less alone on their own path and that we can become stronger together. You can find my poems and my stories below, click on each one to see the full projects.
When I don't work on my projects you can find me at Up Two Studio creating design, illustrations and motion graphics for many beautiful brands alongside my husband Andrei Vasilescu.

Let's keep in touch

You can write to me at irina@irinamp.com

instagram.com/irinamarinperianu/   linkedin.com/in/irinamarinperianu
Copyright ©2017     IRINA MARIN-PERIANU